Monday, August 22, 2016

Free Guided Meditation

My colleague, Gwen Bartran, and I have teamed up to offer a free 7 minute musically enhanced guided meditation.  Simply click on the following title to enjoy a few minutes of mindful practice.   Meditation One

Maximized Mental Health involves regular practice of mindfulness.  Our musically enhanced mindfulness practice can help engage broader neural pathways.

Feel free to leave your comments regarding you experience with this recording.


·          Start by sitting comfortably, you can either close your eyes or rest them on a point on the floor in front of you.
·         Take a few minutes to just pause, let go of your day.
·         See if you can find a posture of dignity.  Sit in a relaxed position while still being alert
·         Now just notice that you are sitting.  Notice the sounds in the room.  Just listen.  This is an easy way to come into the present moment.
·         You don’t have to do anything special, or force anything, just settle.  Notice the tic of the clock, the movement of a chair, the noise drifting in from other areas.
·         If your mind wanders to the past, worries about the future, or other things, no problem.  That’s what the mind does.  Simply come back to this room, and the sounds you hear right now.
·         Our minds are naturally so busy, running around, bumping into things, just like a little puppy.  No need to be upset, just gently bring your mind back to this room.
·         If you get distracted, don’t worry.  It’s not a problem.  Just gently come back, notice again the sounds of the room.
·         As you listen to the music that follows, let it be a doorway for you to focus on this present moment.  Notice how you respond to the music emotionally.  Does it bring up specific feelings or thoughts?  If so, just notice the thoughts or feelings, and then let them drift away. 
·         Notice any changes in your body – changes in your breathing, any tightness anywhere, any change in your body’s temperature, anything at all.  Just notice, and then bring your attention back to the music.
·         Let the music help you become aware of where you focus your attention.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pokemon Go has doubled my mileage.

#Pokemon #Pokemon Go

I have been practicing Maximized Mental Health with the help of Pokemon Go.  The game has helped me more than double my walking miles.  Even though walking a mile outside is loads easier than a mile on the treadmill, it is never-the-less boring to walk more than a couple of miles alone outside.  

However, since I started playing Pokemon Go, I've found it is much easier to rack up the steps into miles as I traverse between known Pokestops and Pokemon hangouts.  Not only do I walk further each time I walk with Pokemon Go open, I walk more often.  

This weeks stats include 9 miles which is slightly more than double my usual output by mid week.


The only drawback might be that I've dropped my iphone in the street twice.  Yikes!

I know I've taken a bunch more steps this week and burned a boat load of calories.  Oh! And I've bagged more than a few Pokemon!

I've had fun and maximized my mental health.

Thanks Pokemon!

#mentalhealth #Pokemon #Pokemon Go #Mystic #TeamMystic

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Maximized Mental Health - Don't Walk Alone

Today I practiced Maximized Mental Health with my friend Tom by going on a 3.15 mile power-walk together. We followed a mildly hilly course through a quiet neighborhood. Check out our workout! MapMyRun
I’ve followed this 3.15-mile trek alone and with friends like Tom.  It is amazing how much easier it is when there is someone to talk to.  When I am alone, this 45 to 50 minute power-walk feels like hours and my times are generally slower.  I might average as much as 17-minutes per mile alone, but with a friend the average ranges 15 – 16 minutes a mile.  Its uncanny.
Of course, the wisdom of Scripture supports this phenomenon. 
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NASB)
9 Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor.
10 For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.
11 Furthermore, if two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone?
12 And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.

Maximized Mental Health is a daily regimen of assessing, developing, strengthening and utilizing all available mental, emotional, physical and spiritual (MEPS) resources.  

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Empower Creativity Energize Life

Maximized Mental Health is a Christ centered, Biblically-based, Spirit led approach to mental health. One foundational tenant here is that human existence integrates mind, body, soul and spirit. (Mental Physical Emotional Spiritual)

This is a principle reflected in Jesus’ teaching, for example, when he quoted from Deuteronomy.


Effective living, from this perspective, entails assessing, developing, strengthening, and utilizing all available resources: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual. This “maximized” approach empowers us to live creatively. Synergy occurs at this point. We gain fresh, new insight about living. We tap into new resources and become better equipped to face challenges. We energize our life.

We begin by making an assessment by asking questions. “What am I doing to develop and strengthen and utilize my mind? Am I doing anything that will have a deleterious impact on my brain? Are there thoughts that I need to simply omit or drop like a hot potato? What information needs to be gathered and analyzed?

The Apostle Paul made an amazingly Maximized Mental Health statement which I will share in closing.

Philippians 4:8 (NASB) Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

 # assess #empower #synergy #energize #mentalhealth

Friday, March 4, 2016

A Self-Care Regimen

Maximized Mental Health is a self-care regimen which enables you to daily assess, develop, strengthen and utilize all available mental, physical, emotional and spiritual resources, which empowers you to live creatively. #brain #mentalhealth #therapy #creativity